the start has been made! symbolic groundbreaking ceremony for DC in Dietzenbach
TTSP HWP is proud to announce that the work begun on a special data center that will already meet many of the needs of the future. Topics such as potable water efficiency when used as a data center, waste heat recovery, low sealing and extensive greening to protect species and improve the microclimate are features that provide this project with sustainable aspects "by design" from the very beginning.

Press release:
When the symbolic groundbreaking ceremony is held on the morning of July 20, 2023, on the site on Waldstraße in Dietzenbach in front of a number of high-ranking personalities from politics and business, it will indicate that something literally "big" is about to be built on this site. It is the official start for the new construction of a future-oriented data center on a site of around 36,000 square meters. The client is one of the world's leading operators of data centers from the USA EdgeConneX, which has already created more than 40 such future-oriented projects worldwide.
The importance for the city of Dietzenbach and the region was emphasized by Mayor Dr. Dieter Lang in his welcoming speech and drew the attention of the guests invited to the celebration above all to the interaction of state-of-the-art data center infrastructure and the exemplary implementation of a high standard of sustainability. "Building with nature and for nature, this is implemented here in an excellent way," said the mayor.
The concept was made clear in a very informative presentation, which was presented by the planners of the data center. The company responsible for this is TTSP HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH from Frankfurt am Main, who are recognized in Germany as experts for such projects.
It was shown that despite the size of the building, the facade surfaces remain virtually "invisible" from the southern intersection between Waldstrasse and Gottlieb-Daimler-Strasse. This effect is achieved by a green façade in front of the building and a textile façade. Further aspects from the multitude of all sustainability components realized in this project are, for example:
- 47% of the façade area will be planted as a horizontal green façade with climbing plants from various species appropriate to the location.
- The office section will be designed with a textile façade system with a bright light
color scheme, which, in addition to providing sun and glare protection, is an
effective precautionary measure against bird strike
- 30 percent of the site is planned as a sustainable and nature-conserving
greening is planned, in particular through the planting of trees
larger shrubs and large-scale seeding of meadows.
- The roof areas will be planted with drought-loving grasses and perennials
from certified regiosaatgut extensively greened
- Intensive reuse of the so-called "gray water", i.e.
Use of collected rainwater
- Other rainwater is 100% infiltrated on the property and does not enter the
does not end up in the sewage system
- Naturally designed pond facilities, as a wetland biotope with complementary
shrub plantings
- No drinking water is used in the cooling system
- Supply of the office complex in summer and winter through
Heat pumps fed from the data center waste heat.
"The interaction of all ecological components is our approach to sustainability," summarizes
sustainability," is how Christian Krauthammel, managing director at TTSP HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH, sums it up.
According to Michael Krtsch, head of the Dietzenbach business development department, about 50 new jobs will be created and the district town will also benefit from the trade tax revenue, if the business develops successfully, because the company is based in Dietzenbach.
The cooperation with all parties involved in this project was characterized from the beginning by a constructive and
The business development department is naturally delighted that the successful implementation of the project represents a further valuable step towards sustainable digitization.